2022 Community Writing Center Fiction Contest: Second Place, Teen Category: Axel Callen Creed, “The Divorce Lawyer””

Congratulations to Axel Callen Creed, the Second Place winner of the Community Writing Center Fiction Contest in the Teen category! Axel Callen Creed is a recent graduate from East Lansing High School, near 18 he’s been writing for most of his life, enjoying crafting worlds and stories out of mythology, existing media, and his own…
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2022 Community Writing Center Fiction Contest: Second Place, Youth Category: Annie Lloyd, “Swan Soaring”

Congratulations to Annie Lloyd, the Second Place winner of the Community Writing Center Fiction Contest in the Youth category! Annie is a fourth grader who likes camping, hiking, working in the vegetable garden, and anything that has to do with being outside. She has visited five national parks. You will also find her on the…
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2022 Community Writing Center Fiction Contest: First Place, Teen Category: Zachary Kleinerman, “The New Drug”

Congratulations to Zachary Kleinerman, the First Place winner of the Community Writing Center Fiction Contest in the Teen category! Zachary Kleinerman is a former East Lansing High School student, and a long time EL resident. He will be attending Baylor University in the fall, with a major in Psychology and a minor in either photography…
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2022 Community Writing Center Fiction Contest: First Place, Adult Category: Luke Hollenbaugh, “A Blue-Red World”

Congratulations to Luke Hollenbaugh, the First Place winner of the Community Writing Center Fiction Contest in the Adult category! Luke Hollenbaugh is a 2022 graduate of Michigan State University with dual-degrees in English and in Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science Education with a minor in History. In the fall, he will begin his teaching internship…
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2022 Community Writing Center Fiction Contest: First Place, Youth Category: Sammy Kang, “The Green Screen Room 1”

Congratulations to Sammy Kang, the First Place winner of the Community Writing Center Fiction Contest in the Youth category! Sammy Kang is a 11 year old kid who likes to draw and write stories. He lives in East Lansing (obviously) with his parents, brother, and dog. In his spare time, Sammy draws and plays video…
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