Community Journals

The Library is pleased to offer a set of Community Journals for patrons to borrow and contribute to. Some time ago, the library added these journals to our collection. This past week, the MSU Community Writing Center got them started with some great content and prompts. 

Here's how it works: 

Use your library card to borrow any of the available journals. They each have a different theme. You'll have them for at least four weeks, and in that time you are welcome to add content to the journals based on the theme. Be creative! It can be writing, art, collage, etc. When you're done, bring it back to the library and the next person will borrow the journal and add their content. As each journal completes, it will become part of our library collection! 

Here is a list of the journals and the prompts written by the consultants at the Community Writing Center:

Self-portraits in Poetry, Prose, and Visual Art

Throughout history, societies have used art to communicate. Utilize your creative skills to illustrate who you are. Describe yourself with visual art, poetry, or through a short story. Dig deep into yourself. Make this page colorful with the most personal parts of YOU.

Life in My Kitchen

No matter what language you speak, food is universal. Eating together is one of the most special ways to share your culture and open yourself up to new worlds. Use this journal to share any recipes, kitchen stories, or experiences with food that define who you are!

A Letter to My Future or Past Self

Take a few minutes to consider your life in 5, 10, 20 years. Where will you be living? What will you be doing? What would you have accomplished by this point? How have you grown as a person? What has not changed? Putting your hopes and dreams on paper is a great way to manifest the life you want for future self!

Stories From the Workplace

Have you ever experienced something noteworthy in your workplace? If you have, this is the journal for you! In this journal, you can detail any fun, annoying, or just downright absurd experiences that have occurred in your workplace. 

Some Thoughts About Books I've Enjoyed

What have you been reading lately? Do you have a favorite book? Take this space to rave and get excited over literature! Look through the recommendations and leave your own, you might meet your next favorite!

Parenting Adventures

Buckle in, this journal is centered around parenting adventures! This could be a specific experience, a repetitive experience, or something else entirely. Feel free to share your wildest, most intense, or happiest moments in your own parenting adventures!

The Other Day in East Lansing

East Lansing is home to an immeasurable amount of memories, perhaps both good and bad. What are some of your favorite memories, experiences, and accomplishments you've had here?

There are two more themes yet to be announced. During the launch event, library visitors had the chance to vote for the two other themes. Stay tuned for the results!