Harry Potter At Home

Celebrated author, J.K. Rowling, has been making strides in the past few weeks to open up the rights to the Harry Potter series, making it more accessible than ever before for families around the world who are self-quarantining or sheltering in place.

We are so very happy to share that for the month of April, the first book in Rowling's beloved children's series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, will be available for unlimited borrowing in ebook and audiobook formats via Overdrive. There will be no waitlists, and no holds to place for the first book in the series. Families around the world will be able to experience Harry Potter in over 20 different languages simultaneously from the comfort of their homes.

Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore, will also provide access to family-friendly activities, crafts, games and more via Wizarding World's Harry Potter At Home hub in an effort to keep kids engaged as they read. The hub was designed for both first-time readers and Harry Potter fans, and includes guides for readers who are new to the series, first year quizzes and puzzles, craft videos and even the opportunity to participate in a sorting ceremony to find out your very own Hogwarts house. 

So, how do you get started? To check out your ebook and audiobook copies of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, visit the Woodlands Overdrive Library or download the Libby app to read or listen on your mobile device. 

For further information about the Woodlands Overdrive Library, find answers to your questions on the Overdrive FAQ page.