
cloudLibrary NewsStand

Digital Magazines from cloudLibrary

cloudLibrary NewsStand has over 6,500 digital magazine titles from all around the world.  Check out as many issues as you would like, keep them as long as you want, on whatever device you would like to use - tablet, phone, laptop or desktop.

NewsStand is replacing RBDigital in ELPL's collections.  RBDigital's collection will discontinue at the end of April, 2021.

To register for a cloudLibrary account you will need an email address and your library card number.  During the account creation process you will be asked to create a password.  You can create a NewsStand account through the NewsStand website or by using the iOS or Android app.

Featured Magazine Titles

With over 6,500 titles available there is something for everyone on cloudLibrary NewsStand.

Jacket cover for Fast Company magazine featuring Congresswoman Katie Porter

Fast Company Magazine

Fast Company inspires readers to think beyond traditional boundaries, lead conversations, and create the future of business.
Jacket cover for QUILTsocial magazine, featuring a beautiful quilt with pink and brown tones hung on a wall


A quilting blog, weekly bulletin, a monthly newsletter, and a quarterly e-magazine focused on the love and art of making quilts.

NewsStand FAQs

  • The RBDigital Magazine service was discontinued in April 2021.

    ELPL now offers the cloudLibrary NewsStand digital magazine service to all patrons.

  • Digital magazines from cloudLibrary NewsStand never need to be returned.  Once you check out a magazine, it will remain in your personal reading account until you delete it.

  • You can check out as many magazines as you want and keep them for as long as you want.

  • RBDigital was purchased by another company in 2020.  That company decided to end the RBDigital magazine service.  The East Lansing Public Library replaced RBDigital with cloudLibrary NewsStand - a collection of over 6,500 magazines and newsletters from around the world.  

  • You can start using the cloudLibrary NewsStand service:

    To register for a cloudLibrary account you will need an email address and your library card number.  During the account creation process you will be asked to create a password.  You can create a NewsStand account through the NewsStand website or by using the iOS or Android app.

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ELPLChildrensLibrarian said:

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