Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting Minutes – 6/26/23

June 26, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
East Lansing Public Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting
Library Large Meeting Room
950 Abbot Road

The East Lansing Public Library occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg Three Fires confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.

1. Call to Order 10:05 a.m.

2. Roll Call
Trustees present were: Polly Synk, Amy Zaagman, Pam Smith, Ameenah Asante and Diane Goddeeris. Also, in attendance were Councilmember Liaison George Brookover, Head of Customer Experiences/Assistant Director Brice Bush, and Executive Assistant to the Director Shori Teeple. There were thirteen attendees from the public.

3. Opening
3.1 Approval of Current Meeting Agenda
Zaagman moved
Smith seconded
All in favor

4. Communications
4.1 Statement received from union representatives of both library unions related to transitions for interim and permanent library directors.

5. Audience
5.1 Public Comment - limited to five minutes per person

  • Three attendees shared public comment.

6. Old Business
6.1 Strategic plan consultants - discussion 

  • Discussion and agreement reached to pause strategic planning plans until fall 2023. No action at this time.
  • Request for Proposals (RFP) process will be revisited in fall.

7. New Business
7.1 Search and selection process, Library Director - discussion and possible action

  • Criteria and requirements for permanent director discussed.
  • Conversations with community members, Friends of library, and library staff to take place. Input will help determine timeline for search.
  • Outreach reviewed from library staff.
  • Professional assistance options considered.
  • Discussion and agreement to focus on immediate needs to identifying Interim Director for 6-month commitment.

7.2 Interim Director - discussion and possible action

  • Guidelines discussed for short-term job posting on library, City, MLA and other websites with quick 7-10 day turnaround.
  • 6-month Interim position with limited scope of duties determined.
  • Limited duties, salary range, signatory responsibilities, staff supervision and other expectations discussed.
  • Options considered for internal library staff and external candidates, including consideration for union impacts.
  • Special meeting scheduled for Thursday July 6 at 5:00 p.m. for further discussion related to Interim Director position.

7.3 11:30am: Closed session for strategy or negotiations related to collective bargaining
Motion to amend agenda to change start time for closed session for 11:30 a.m. to 11:20 a.m.
Zaagman moved
Asante seconded
All in favor
Motion to adjourn meeting at 11:20 a.m. to enter closed session for strategy or negotiations related to collective bargaining
Synk moved
Zaagman seconded
Roll call vote
All in favor
Adjournment of regular meeting 11:20 a.m. for closed session
Motion to resume regular meeting and exit closed session
Zaagman moved
Smith seconded
All in favor
Open meeting resumed at 11:37 a.m. 

7.4 Potential action on approval of pending collective bargaining agreement
Resolution 05-23 to ratify amended collective bargaining agreement and authorize Director Shelley to  approve signatories.
Synk moved
Asante seconded
All in favor

8. Adjournment

Synk adjourned the meeting at 11:45 a.m.

Board of Trustees
Polly Synk, President
Amy Zaagman, Vice President
Pamela Smith, Secretary
Ameenah Asante
Diane Goddeeris

City Council Liaison
George Brookover

Staff Liaison
Kristin Shelley