Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes – 2/21/24

February 21, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
East Lansing Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Library Large Meeting Room
950 Abbot Road

The East Lansing Public Library occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg Three Fires confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.

1. Call to Order 4:34 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Trustees present: Amy Zaagman, Pamela Smith, Ameenah Asante, Shawn Nicholson and Polly Synk. Also present were City Councilmember Liaison Kerry Ebersole Singh, Interim Library Director Angelo Moreno, and Executive Assistant to the Library Director Shori Teeple. Thirteen guests were present.

3. Opening
3.1 Approval of Current Meeting Agenda as amended
Item 7.3 added under Committee Reports for January 11, 2023 Year-end Report
Synk moved
Asante seconded
All in favor

3.2 Approval of January 17, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Nicholson moved
Smith seconded
All in favor

3.3 Approval of January 10, 2024 Closed Session Minutes
Smith moved
Nicholson seconded
All in favor

4. Communications
4.1 None

5. Audience
5.1 Public Comment - limited to five minutes per person

  • None

6. Reports
6.1 City Council Liaison Report
Singh reported:

  • Budget status and big election year updates shared.

6.2 Friends of the East Lansing Public Library Report
Written report shared:

  • Next meeting scheduled for Monday 2/26/24 at 5pm.
  • Friends providing refreshments for Phyllis Thode's retirement party on 2/25/24 from 3-5pm and collaborating to support Books, Bites and Bids event.
  • Dedicated shop volunteers continue to process and refresh books providing recycled books and benefiting library programming.

7. Committee Reports
7.1 Subcommittee Report - Strategic Planning Request for Proposals Award -- Action
Nicholson and Synk reported:

  • Motion that Library Board of Trustees receive the three RFP proposals in board packet, commit to review for discussion and decision, using elements of evaluation in RFPs, at the March Board of Trustees meeting, and further that the Interim Director earmark funds not to exceed $40,000 for contract services and attendant costs.

Nicholson moved
Smith seconded
All in favor

7.2 Subcommittee Report - Director Contract and Review -- Discussion
Smith and Synk reported:

  • Proposal to assemble for March meeting a tool for improved structure and timelines for director evaluation and periodic feedback. No action needed.

7.3 Subcommittee Report - January 11, 2023 Year-End Report -- Discussion
Asante and Synk reported:

  • Discussion for report distribution next steps.

8. Old Business
8.1 FY2025 Budget -- Discussion

  •  Discussion of FY25 Budget.

8.2 AV Updates RFP Award -- Action

  •  Motion to authorize Interim Director to enter into contract with AVI-SPL to purchase and install upgraded audiovisual devices throughout library in amount of $78,765.52.

Zaagman moved
Nicholson seconded
All in favor

8.3 Work From Home Policy -- Discussion

  • Discussion of proposed policy.

9. New Business
9.1 Resolution 04-24 to authorize application for special liquor license for Books, Bites & Bids on April 12, 2024 -- Action

Zaagman moved
Synk seconded
All in favor

9.2 COEL email addresses for Library Trustees -- Discussion

  • Discussion of inquiry.

10. Library Reports
10.1 Financial Report
Moreno Reported:

  • Printed financial report shared.

10.2 Director's Report

  • Written report shared.

10.3 President's Report

  • None

11. Adjournment

Zaagman adjourned the meeting at 5:58 p.m.

Board of Trustees
Amy Zaagman, President
Pamela Smith, Vice President
Ameenah Asante, Secretary
Shawn Nicholson
Polly Synk

City Council Liaison
Mayor Pro Tem Kerry Ebersole Singh

Staff Liaison
Angelo Moreno, Interim Library Director