Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes – 8/16/23

August 16, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
East Lansing Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Library Large Meeting Room
950 Abbot Road

The East Lansing Public Library occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg Three Fires confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.

1. Call to Order  p.m.

2. Roll Call

Trustees present were: Amy Zaagman, Pamela Smith, Ameenah Asante, Shawn Nicholson, and Polly Synk. Also, in attendance were Councilmember Liaison George Brookover, Friends President Liesel Carlson, Interim Library Director Angelo Moreno, and Executive Assistant to the Library Director Shori Teeple. Twelve guests from public were present.

3. Opening
3.1 Approval of Current Meeting Agenda as amended
Item added under Old Business 8B) Strategic Plan -- Discussion
Synk moved
Smith seconded
All in favor

3.2 Amended/Approved July 6, 2023 Meeting Minutes

3.3 Approval of July 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes #1
Asante moved
Synk seconded
All in favor

3.4 Approval of July 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes #2
Synk moved
Asante seconded
All in favor

3.5 Approval of July 25, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
Smith moved
Synk seconded
All in favor

4. Communications
4.1 Proposal received from former and current library staff members - immediate staffing needs

5. Audience
5.1 Public Comment - limited to five minutes per person

  • None

6. Reports
6.1 City Council Liaison Report
Brookover reported:

  • Hiring process for new city manager continues, contract and background check in progress.
  • Next council meeting scheduled for September 5.
  • MSU students moving in soon.

6.2 Friends of the East Lansing Public Library Report
Carlson Reported:

  • Friends $25,000 donation check for library programming presented to board members prior to meeting.
  • Additional $3,537.70 donation check given to library from closing out balloting committee funds.
  • FriendShop fully staffed with volunteers.

7. Committee Reports

  • None

8. Old Business
8.1 Immediate Staffing Needs: Follow-up -- Discussion

  • Interim Director's position description requires recommendations for new hires to be presented to board for review and input.
  • Recommendations shared from Moreno for staffing needs in Circulation, Tech Services and Teen Services.
  • Staffing Committee formed yesterday; reviewed and discussed staffing needs.
  • Budget justification for all requests encouraged for future proposals.
  • Following discussion, board support for posting and hiring all positions presented in recommendations.
  • Motion to acknowledge good work completed by Staffing Committee and recommendations for new hires.

Synk moved
Smith seconded
All in favor

8.2 Strategic Plan -- Discussion

  • Discussion to begin strategic planning process this fall as previously determined instead of waiting for new director to begin.
  • Establishment of new mission, vision and core values will be attractive to potential new director.
  • Suggestion for Kate from Woodlands to attend September board meeting to inform board about strategic plan process, vendors and needs.
  • Potential action item on September agenda for moving forward.

9. New Business
9.1 Planning for Permanent Library Director Search -- Discussion

  •   Timelines discussed for establishing search committee, its members, meetings, position description, postings, interview schedules, and hiring.
  • Search committee representation to include: City Council, EL Public Schools, ELPL staff, board members, Friends of ELPL, teens, and community members.
  • Process will be staff and community driven with emphasis on diversity.
  • Zaagman will assemble timeline as discussed and share when completed.

9.2 Staff input at board meetings -- Discussion

  • Discussion for methods to receive staff input at monthly meetings: amending bylaws to add permanent item to agenda, public comment opportunities, other.
  • Board members honor and respect staff.
  • Moreno requested to present recommendations to board at September meeting for ways staff would like to communicate with board.

10. Library Reports
10.1 Financial Report
Moreno reported:

  • Printed financial report was shared.

10.2 Director's Report

  • A written report was shared.

10.3 President's Report

  • With four policies reviewed at June 14 meeting but no action taken, policies will be added to September agenda for review and vote.

11. Adjournment

Zaagman adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m.

Board of Trustees
Amy Zaagman, President
Pamela Smith, Vice President
Ameenah Asante, Secretary
Shawn Nicholson
Polly Synk

City Council Liaison
George Brookover

Staff Liaison
Angelo Moreno, Interim Library Director