Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes – 7/19/23 – Meeting 2

July 19, 2023 4:30 p.m.
East Lansing Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting 2
Library Large Meeting Room
950 Abbot Road

The East Lansing Public Library occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg Three Fires confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.

1. Call to Order 4:37 p.m.

2. Roll Call
Trustees present: Amy Zaagman, Pamela Smith, Ameenah Asante and Polly Synk. Trustee Shawn Nicholson was absent. Also present were Councilmember Liaison George Brookover, Friends Board Liaison Toba Kaplowitz and Executive Assistant to Library Director Shori Teeple. Nine guests from public were present.

3. Opening
3.1 Approval of Current Meeting Agenda as amended
Zaagman requested addition to agenda under New Business 9.1 Immediate Staffing Needs
Synk moved
Smith seconded
All in favor

3.2 Amended/Approved May 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes

3.3 Approval of June 14, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Synk moved
Smith seconded
All in favor

3.4 Approval of June 26, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
Asante moved
Smith seconded
All in favor

3.5 Approval of June 26, 2023 Closed Session Minutes
Synk moved
Asante seconded
All in favor

3.6 Approval of July 6, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
Synk moved
Smith seconded
Asante inquired whether a response had been received from former Director Shelley as requested from the board regarding staffing needs following her departure. Response never received from Shelley.
Motion for July 6 minutes to reflect content under Item 7B) Response to board request for information related to staffing needs has not been received from former Director Shelley as of today's date.
Synk moved
Zaagman seconded
All in favor

4. Communications
4.1 Written communications received from library staff.
4.2 Three applications received from City HR for interim director posting.

5. Audience
5.1 Public Comment

  • One guest shared public comment

6. Reports
6.1 City Council Liaison Report
Brookover reported:

  • Council will hold special meeting at 6pm this evening for follow-up on charter provisions.
  • Meeting scheduled with external search group for new City Manager search. Discussion and process to follow.

6.2 Friends of the East Lansing Public Library Report
Kaplowitz reported:

  • New volunteers are on board and FriendShop is seeing more shoppers.
  • 'Buy two get one free' on history books has been successful with over 150 history books sold in last two weeks.
  • Zaagman thanked Friends for generous FY24 donation.

7. Committee Reports
7.1 None

8. Old Business
8.1 Interim Director Search

  • Applications received from four qualified applicants.
  • Interviews planned for full board during open Special Meeting on Tuesday July 25 at 5:30p.m. in library large meeting room.
  • Open Meetings Act will need to be observed during open meeting. Preferences shared for applicants to not be present during other candidates' interviews.
  • Interview questions and time limit for each interview to be determined.
  • Interim position will remain open until filled.
  • Board will enter closed session following interviews for follow-up discussion.
  • Staff involvement requested for interviews. Staff encouraged to forward input to board for desired skills and characteristics of interim director.
  • Discussion related to August agenda needs for permanent director search.

9. New Business
9.1 Immediate Staffing Needs

  • Update from Amber Laude, ELPL Collections and Technical Services Librarian. Friday July 28 will be her last day. Description of responsibilities shared.
  • Requests made for granting more hours and compensation to remaining 20-hour per week TS Assistant.
  • Discussion to explore Laude continuing employment and working remotely.
  • Trustees will consult with City HR and labor attorney to review options.
  • Laude and TS staff encouraged to submit proposal to board for increased hours and compensation for TS Assistant and remote work options for Laude.

10. Library Reports
10.1 Financial Report

  • Printed financial reports for FY23 and FY24 shared.

10.2 Director's (Staff) Report

  • Written report shared.

10.3 President's Report

  • None
  • Asante shared suggestion to include staff input opportunity at board meetings. Board hires director/ director reports to board at monthly meetings. Synk suggested asking staff to provide what is needed for changes to make lines of communication more open with board members. This will be added to August agenda for further discussion.

Zaagman adjourned the meeting at 6:03 p.m.

Board of Trustees
Amy Zaagman, President
Pamela Smith, Vice President
Ameenah Asante, Secretary
Shawn Nicholson
Polly Synk

City Council Liaison
George Brookover

Staff Liaison