Board of Trustees Minutes – August 15, 2018

August 15, 2018 at 4:30pm
East Lansing Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Library 3/4 Meeting Rooms
950 Abbot Rd.

1) Call to Order
Zaagman called the meeting to order at 4:30pm.

2) Roll Call
Trustees Zaagman, Wilkinson, Dodgson and Goddeeris were present. Trustee Cervenak was absent. Also in attendance were City Council Liaison Erik Altmann, Friends Treasurer Toba Kaplowitz, Circulation Supervisor Robert Chartrand, Collections and Technical Services Librarian Amber Laude and Director Kristin Shelley. Audience members included two students from Michigan State University.

3) Opening
A) Approval of July 18, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Goddeeris moved.
Wilkinson seconded.
All in favor.
Motion carried.

B) Approval of Current Meeting Agenda
Dodgson moved.
Wilkinson seconded.
All in favor.
Motion carried.

4) Communications
A) Audience: two students from Michigan State University introduced themselves.

B) Written Correspondence: none

5) Reports
A) City Council Liaison Report
Altmann reported:
• Approval of the East Lansing City Income Tax
• City Council authorized the City Charter amendment of a reduction in property taxes by 5 mils, which was approved by voters in November 2017
• Update on the Park District development

B) Friends of the East Lansing Public Library Report
Kaplowitz reported:
• Friendshop had successful sales in July
• Large jig saw puzzle donation

6) Old Business: None

7) New Business:
A) Media by Mail Service: Discussion
Shelley reminded the board that one of the items on the Fiscal Year 2019 Action Plan is to start a media by mail service.
Chartrand provided a fact sheet and described the process of the proposed Media by Mail service to the board.
Discussion included:
• How many items and bags one patron can have at any given time
• Possibility of increased usage during poor weather
• Comparison with similar services at nearby libraries
• Estimated annual budget
• Policy approval by the board in the fall

B) Seed Library: Discussion
Shelley reminded the board that one of the items on the Fiscal Year 2019 Action Plan is to start a seed library.
Laude provided pictures of other seed libraries and described the concept of a seed library.
Discussion included:
• Volunteers to help launch the seed library
• Possibility of collaborating with MSU Library
• Ways to acquire seeds

C) Update on Assistant Director position
Shelley informed the board that out of 22 applications, she will have a Skype interview with eight applicants, five of which were done on August 14. She stated that she plans to bring in 2-3 applicants for in-person interviews. She would like the new Assistant Director to start on October 1, 2018, if possible.

D) Resolution 02-19 to authorize the Library Director to sign Assurance Form for MCACA grant
Shelley explained that the application for this grant requires approval by the Library Board.
Wilkinson moved.
Dodgson seconded.
All in favor.
Motion carried.

8) Library Reports
A) Financial Report
Shelley provided a written Financial Report. Discussion included penal fines and property taxes.

B) Director’s Report
Shelley provided a written Director’s Report. Discussion included increased participation of the Summer Reading Program and an update on the ELPL Mobile Pop-Up Library.

C) President’s Report: none

9) Announcements
Shelley announced updates and events about the One Book, One Community program.

10) Adjournment
Goddeeris moved.
Dodgson seconded.
All in favor.
Motion carried.

Zaagman adjourned the meeting at 5:24pm.