Can I Return My Books to the Library?

Library's external book dropYes!  Our drive-up, outside book-drop is open 24/7 and can be used whenever you like.   

Please note that all returned items are being quarantined for approximately 72 to 96 hours before they are checked in and shelved.  The library is more lightly staffed so that library workers can adequately social distance.  This means that items you have returned won't disappear from your account several days after you return them.  But don't worry, our Library Board eliminated overdue fines on almost all items as of July 1, 2020, opens a new window so even though it may take staff longer to check in your items, no fines will accrue on your account.

For patrons returning MeLCat items, please note that these titles don't disappear from your account until they arrive back at the lending library.

If you have library items that are too big to fit through the drive-through drop boxes (like WiFi hotspots, STEAM Kits, Tooks, other Kits, etc.) you can now return irregularly sized items during Curbside Pickup hours.  A rolling book drop bin has been placed out by the Curbside Pickup tables and will

be there every hour we are open for Curbside Pickup.  Library staff will be checking these bins regularly for returns.