We are so happy to announce that the East Lansing Public Library has partnered with our library neighbor to the west, Kent District Library, opens a new window, to form one of the largest shared collections of eBooks and eAudiobooks in Michigan. ELPL and Kent District Library are combining their Cloud Library collections into one shared library via CloudLink. This means that East Lansing patrons will now have access to the entire KDL Cloud Library collection that contains over 60,000 titles! Library patrons can access these bonus titles using the same Cloud Library app they already know and love. Just search for your favorite author, that title you’ve been wanting to read, or browse by subject/genre and you will see all the titles in ELPL’s collection as well as KDL’s. Questions? Email elpltech@cityofeastlansing.com or you can talk to a library staff member at the Service Desk.
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